Black Tears
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Black Tears

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Kossokei Dai Inichiharu, the the fighting badass.

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[The picture of My avatar is Kossokei.]

Name: Kossokei Inichiharu [Known to vampires as Kossokei Momochi]
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species/Race: Demon's Host.
Personality: Assy
Family: Satsugin [Real name unknown] [brother]
Affiliation: Akatsuki
Element: Ice
Energy type: Chakra [Colors vary.]
Likes: Waterfalls, Wine and demons
Dislikes: 'Those stupid vampires!' - Kossokei
Secret crush: Miuki Kosuki
Fear: Apperently, 'nothing'
Appearence: [Coming from the description that Vampires use] Black hair, grey right eye [Blind], Black left eye [Kuroi Manakou], Black Akatsuki cloak with a black shirt underneath. The black shirt has no actual sleeves, but the sleeves are Fishnetted. He would also wear a Black jacket with a white t-shirt and black pants w/ Black and red shoes.
Signiture weapon: Bloods Blade [Daikatana, Red]
Favorite move: Icy sphere. [A sphere of ice that is cored by rotating chakra. Deadly.]
Rare move: Silent exucution technique. [A darkness surrounds Kosso and his opponent(s). While the opposition is confused, Kossokei flashes past the opposition, with his sword out. The sword would strike the Oppositions middle section, and slash the foe in the belly, while he pulls out Kunai's and slashes the foe in random places. The darkness would them clear, and the foe would be seen on the floor, bloodier than blood.
History: Kossokei has been through a life of shit. Total shit. And thats why he has so much endurence. The boy lost his parents when he was merely a child, making it hard for him to take care of himself. Luckily, when he was about 8, there was a girl by the name of Miuki, who saw the boy and took him with her, into a better life. The boy grew enough to where he could live on his own, but he told Miuki that he would see her again. Time passed and soon, he was locked into a battle with a Uchiha. Katsurou Uchiha. The Uchiha would attack Kossokei's left eye with his sharingan, but a certain demon by the name of Spectren Counter attacked the Uchiha, leaving Kossokei with the mutated left eye, later known as the Kuroi Manakou. The Kuroi Manakou would be a result of this torture. It had the same powers and stuff as Sharingan or Byakugan, but is neither one of the two. The Manakou for short, would be black, with a grey pupil and a red horizontal ring. It granted Kossokei with faster reactions, a near-ish thing to X-ray vision, and a certain Mind Torturing move, abit like Tsukoyomi [Or whatever] however, all the colors become Averted colors during the torture, according to test subjects. Kossokei would never be able to use this torture until he aquired Spectren as a demon. Soon, when the boy would enter the vampire realm, he would kill a shit load of vampires. Like. The amount of Diahria that Zericho shits out every two weeks, counted in vampires. The king of demons would see this boy as a boy with a gifted power of Ice. The king sent Spectren down to Kossokei, and became his demon, ready for battles to come. Spectren more or less resembled Kossokei, in the oddest of ways. These two would become a hell of a team, killing and assasinating so hard, to catch the attention of Pein, who would recruit Kossokei into the Akatsuki. Kossokei finally learned that Miuki was Peins sister, and Kossokei would be forever friends with her, helping eachother through some really close calls.

Yeah, redone fools.




By the way, I drew a pic of Kossokei and I could post it for you all, if you'd like.

WARNING:I suck at drawing.

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